Ways to Improve your Life Without Really Trying

The Guardian published 100 Ways to Improve your Life Without Really Trying. Here’s the full list.

1 Send a voice note instead of a text; they sound like personal mini podcasts.

2 Don’t be weird about how to stack the dishwasher.

3 If you’re going less than a mile, walk or cycle.

4  Always bring something — wine, flowers — to a dinner/birthday party, even if they say not to.

5 Listen to the albums you loved as a teenager.

6 Make a friend from a different generation.

7  Exercise on a Monday night (nothing fun happens on a Monday night).

8 Keep a bird feeder by a window, ideally the kitchen. It’ll pass the time when you’re washing up.

9 Start a Saturday morning with some classical music – it sets the tone for a calm weekend.

10 Connect with nature: stand outside barefoot for a few minutes – even when it’s cold.