Good News: Nurses, Mountain Lions, and Heroic Barbers

Here are a few more Good News stories making the rounds . . .

1.  A barber in Connecticut named Osvaldo Lugo is being hailed a hero for saving a little girl from running into traffic.  He was in his shop when he saw her out the window, sprinted out the door, and grabbed her just before she ran into a busy intersection.  The mom was at a bus stop down the street and said she only looked away for a second.  (Here’s the video.)

2.  Wildlife officers in Colorado saved two mountain lion cubs that got trapped in a reservoir’s spillway.  They lowered a rope down, and one of the cubs latched onto it, almost like it knew what needed to happen.  (Here’s the video.)

3.  A 22-year-old woman in Michigan just graduated from nursing school, and the traditional pinning ceremony was a real full-circle moment.  She got her pin from a nurse named Sara Longest, who took care of her as a premie 22 years ago.  (Here’s a photo.)