Top 5 Phrases Young People Use That the Rest of Us Don’t Get & Eight Terms Young People Don’t Get

Sure, Gen Z doesn’t understand a lot of phrases we use . . . but trust us, it goes both ways.  See what we mean with today’s list of the . . . Top 5 Phrases Young People Use That the Rest of Us Don’t Get.

“Fam.”  It’s short for “Family.”  Which raises the question:  What’s Gen Z doing with that extra time they save not saying two syllables?

“Dank.”  It means something is excellent or very high quality.  I’ll use it in a sentence:  Nothing you buy at Walmart is “dank.”

“Salty.”  It means jealous.  It describes how all the other guys at the 30th high school reunion feel when someone shows up with hair.

“Big yikes.”  It’s what you say after you do something really embarrassing . . . like use the phrase “Big yikes.”

“Bougie.”  It means extravagantly fancy.  Which is why nobody who listens to THIS show will ever use it.

“Living rent free.”  It describes something you obsess over.  Coincidentally, it also describes what everyone who says it is doing in their parents’ basement.

“Ghosting.”  It means to stop communicating with a romantic partner.  It’s a condition also known as “marriage.”

“Simp.”  It’s someone who pays way too much attention to another person.  It’s a good way to describe your liberal friend about Donald Trump.

If you want someone in their mid-20s to think you’re old, just use ANY of these terms:  Someone fed Gen Z’ers a bunch of old-school sayings to see if they knew what they meant or not.

Over 40% said they sometimes hear older people use phrases that make no sense to them.  Here are the top ten they’re least likely to know . . .

1.  “Beating a dead horse.”  It means wasting time, or continuing to debate something that’s already settled.

2.  “Rule of thumb.”  A general guideline for how to do something.

3.  “Back to the salt mines.”  To go back to work, especially if you’ve got a demanding boss.

4.  “Take the bull by the horns.”  To deal with a difficult situation head-on and take control.

5.  “You don’t cut the mustard.”  You’re not good enough, or aren’t meeting expectations.

6.  “What’s your beef?”  It means, “Why are you upset?” or “Why do you disagree?”

7.  “Let sleeping dogs lie.”  Don’t interfere in a situation if it’s not causing you any harm.  (“Don’t poke the bear” means the same thing.)

8.  “Burn the midnight oil.”  Staying up late to keep working or studying.

9.  “Throw in the towel.”  To give up or admit defeat.  It’s an old boxing term.

10.  “Bite the bullet.”  To deal with something tough that you’ve been avoiding.  (That one supposedly comes from patients biting down on something hard to deal with the pain of surgery before anesthesia was a thing.)

(The Sun)