The Worst Things to Wear on a First Date Include a Full Tracksuit and Crocs

Imagine you’re on a first date with someone who’s smart, funny, good looking, and maybe “the one”.  Now imagine they’re wearing a full tracksuit.  Still interested?

Someone polled 3,000 Americans from all walks of life, and asked if a poor fashion choice or two would make them say “no” to a second date.

Only 13% said it wouldn’t matter at all . . . 56% said they’d factor it in . . . and 31% said total dealbreaker.  They wouldn’t go on a second date even if the person seemed like a good match in other ways.

Here are eight fashion choices that at least one in five Americans would see as a big red flag on a first date . . .

1.  Wearing a full tracksuit.  28% said red flag.

2.  A full designer outfit, head-to-toe.  One in four think it’s a turnoff.

3.  Crocs.

4.  Oversized sunglasses, especially if it’s night.

5.  Anything with huge logos on it.

6.  A shirt that’s way too tight.

7.  Ankle socks with sneakers.

8.  Ripped skinny jeans.

A few more that could ruin your chances:  14% would be turned off by a man-purse . . . fedoras, 14% . . . camo, 11% . . . a vest with overly large arm holes, 10% (???) . . . and a band logo t-shirt, 9%.

74% overall said a half-decent fashion sense is at least somewhat important when it comes to who they’re interested in dating.

(Jamo / BestBettingSites)