The Best and Worst States for Saving Money

If you work from home and just watch Netflix every night, you might as well be living in North Dakota.  No . . . really.  “Forbes” magazine ranked the best states to live in if you’re trying to save money, and North Dakota ranked first.

They looked at four different categories:  Cost of living, housing, debt-to-income ratios, and taxes.

They say North Dakota is the best place to be.  But if that’s not what you’re looking for, there’s also another option that’s almost as good . . . South Dakota.

The ten best states for saving money are:  North Dakota . . . South Dakota . . . West Virginia . . . Missouri . . . Ohio . . . Indiana . . . Kansas . . . Tennessee . . . Wisconsin . . . and Arkansas.

The ten WORST states for saving money are:  Hawaii . . . California . . . Maryland . . . New York . . . New Jersey . . . Oregon . . . Connecticut . . . Rhode Island . . . Massachusetts . . . and Nevada.
