A new poll found one in seven people are afraid of being judged for what TURNS THEM ON.

That means six in seven people aren’t afraid.  Which makes sense, because it also found the most common turn-ons are all pretty benign.

According to the survey, America’s most common turn-ons include:  Foreplay . . . neck kisses . . . being a good kisser . . . your partner telling you, “I like that” . . . and being undressed by them.

The most common turn-OFFS are a little more fun:  Poor hygiene is #1, followed by talking about an ex . . . flirting with other people . . . eating with your mouth open . . . and being overly arrogant or cocky.

It also found half of us wait at least three months into a relationship before we’re truly upfront about what our turn-ons are.

We’re a little less likely to talk about our turn-offs.  (SWNS)