One in Seven Americans Have Never Seen Snow

It’s Halloween . . . so how ’bout a Christmas story?  (???)

Motel 6 did a poll on people’s travel plans this winter that found a quarter of the country will have to drive or fly somewhere this year if they want to see SNOW.

25% of Americans live in an area where it rarely snows.  And 54% of those people said they’ve NEVER seen snow.  So that means roughly 1 in 7 people haven’t.

72% of us overall hope to see snow this year.  The other 28% said no thanks.

Here are a few more winter activities a surprising number of people have never experienced . . .

1.  Ice skating.  38% of us have never done it.

2.  Putting up holiday lights, 36%.  16% have never even SEEN them in person.

3.  Sledding, 33%.

4.  Building a snowman, 33%.

5.  Having a snowball fight, 30%.

6.  Drinking hot chocolate.  24% of Americans have never tried it.