Here are a few more good news stories from the outbreak . . .

1.  A 14-year-old in Colorado went viral last week after he broke the speed record for solving a Rubik’s Cube while jumping on a pogo stick.  Now he’s offering free Zoom lessons to teach kids how to solve one in under three minutes.  You can sign up at  He’s also accepting donations for the charity No Kid Hungry.

2.  Two 90-year-olds in Georgia named David and Loretta Bowen have been married 71 years.  She recently had surgery, and he couldn’t visit her in the hospital because of the outbreak.  It was the longest they’d gone without seeing each other, but now she’s home.  And there’s a video of David crying when she showed up and hugged him.

3.  Doctors may have found an OLD drug that can get patients off ventilators faster and saves lives.  It’s called aviptadil.  (Pronounced uh-VIPP-tuh-dill)  And it’s been getting critical patients off ventilators in as little as three days.  It also happens to be a popular drug for treating ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION.

4.  Mailmen and delivery people have been working hard the past few months, and now it’s getting hot out.  So here’s a great idea anyone can do:  Someone in Missouri has been leaving a cooler on their porch with cold drinks.  And their doorbell cam recently got footage of a UPS guy who was very thankful.