Merriam-Webster Asked People to Name the Best Words That Can’t Be Translated into English

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary has around 470,000 words in it, and there’s STILL not a word for everything.  So this was a fun idea . . .

On Tuesday, their official Twitter account asked people from other countries to name their favorite word we DON’T have a word for in English.  Here are a few of the best ones . . .

1.  Sobremesa(so-breh-MEH-sah)  Spanish for “that chill time around the table” after dinner, when you’re just chatting and hanging out.

2.  Tsundoku(soon-DOE-koo)  A Japanese word for when you buy a lot of books and let them pile up, but don’t actually read them.

3.  Kilig(key-LEEG)  It’s a word used in the Philippines.  It means the rush or joy you feel after seeing or experiencing something romantic.  (The language is Tagalog . . . pronounced tuh-GAH-lug.)

4.  Gigil(GIH-gill)  Another word used in the Philippines.  It means something is overwhelmingly cute . . . so cute, you might feel the urge to squeeze or eat it.

5.  Uitwaaien(OUT-vine)  A Dutch word for walking or exercising on a windy day, especially to relax or help center yourself.

6.  Vorfreude(for-FROY-duh)  A German word that’s sort of like “pre-joy.”  It’s when you’re thinking about something in the future, and it makes you really happy.

7.  Kabelsalat(KAH-bul-zuhl-aht)  Another German word that literally means “cable salad.”  It’s when you’ve got a bunch of wires twisted up and have to untangle them.

8.  Bàofùxìng áoyè(bau-FOO-sing au-yeh)  It means “revenge bedtime procrastination” in Chinese.  It’s when you stay up late because you didn’t get enough time to yourself all day.

9.  Kalsarikännit(KAHL-suh-rih-cah-nit)  A Finnish word that means “pants-drunk,” or drinking at home in your underwear with no plans to go out.

10.  Kuchisabishii(koo-shee-shah-BEE-shee)  A Japanese word that literally means “lonely mouth.”  It’s when you’re not hungry, but you eat because you’re bored.

(Huff Post)