Covid Chaos: A Guy Wakes Up from an 11-Month Coma and Had No Idea There Was a Global Pandemic

Here’s a fresh round-up of Covid insanity . . .

1.  A 19-year-old guy in the U.K. was hit by a car on March 1st of last year and was in a coma for the past 11 months.  So when he recently came out of it . . . he had no idea there was a global pandemic going on.

But he’s getting a crash course because it turns out he caught Covid WHILE he was in the coma.  And now that he’s out of the coma, he caught it again.

2.  The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain has been canceled for the second year in a row due to Covid.

3.  Airstream has come up with a new model that’s built for people who work-from-home . . . this Airstream has a work station built right into it.

4.  We see LOTS of reports these days about orgies and swingers’ parties all over the world getting broken up for violating Covid restrictions.  It really makes you wonder how many of these parties were happening BEFORE this, doesn’t it?

Anyway, the latest comes from a restaurant in Brazil, which cops raided last week after it hosted a swingers’ party where people were having sex on the tables.

5.  Here are the updated stats on CONFIRMED Covid cases as of last night . . .

New daily cases in the U.S.:  114,703, with 3,632 new deaths.

Total cases in the U.S.:  27 million . . . with more than 457,000 deaths . . . and more than 16.7 million who’ve now recovered.

Total cases worldwide:  104.3 million . . . with more than 2.2 million deaths . . . and more than 76.2 million people who’ve beaten the virus globally.