10 Things That Are Overpriced . . . But Still Totally Worth It

When gas prices start climbing, you never hear people say . . . “But it’s totally cool, I’ll pay ANYTHING to transport myself across town.”  (???)

People on social media are talking about things that are overpriced . . . BUT are still “100% worth it.”  Here are some of the popular responses:

1.  Good, comfortable shoes and socks.

2.  A quality mattress . . . a quality pillow . . . and a quality sofa.

3.  Hiring movers.  One person said, “Worth their weight in gold.”

4.  Air conditioning.

5.  Dental care.

6.  Experiences.  Save money on day-to-day stuff . . . but “splurging on an experience, like a concert ticket, a weekend getaway, or a class you’ve been wanting to take, creates lasting memories and happiness.”

7.  Premium wireless noise-canceling headphones.

8.  Quality pots and pans.  One person said, “The cheap ones flake, scratch, warp, scorch, or just simply don’t transfer heatevenly.”

9.  A solid, warm, winter coat.

10.  Divorce.


(Several people also mentioned paying for the expertise of SKILLED workers, whether that’s a lawyer, accountant, contractor, or mechanic.)

(In general, people said they’d pay more for VALUE . . . well-made items, which will LAST and do the job better than something cheap.)