The Most Common Excuse for Not Answering Your Phone Is . . . “It Was on Vibrate”

I had a feeling this was a bogus excuse.  Maybe because I’ve used it multiple times myself . . .

Someone polled over 1,200 Americans and asked what their go-to excuse is when they get a phone call and don’t want to answer it.  And the most popular excuse by far is . . . “Sorry, my phone was on vibrate.”

The calls we’re most likely to avoid are ones we know will be time-consuming.  Calls from whiny or needy people are next.  Around half of us will also ignore a call if we know it’s someone who needs a favor.  And 41% of us will avoid calls if we’re in public.

It also looked at the top PEOPLE we dodge calls from.  And you’d expect family to be #1.  But friends are first, then family, coworkers, our boss, and our significant other.

Here are the top five excuses people use after dodging someone’s call . . .

1.  “I didn’t hear it ring” or “It was on vibrate.”  63% said it’s their go-to excuse.

2.  “I had a bad signal.”  A distant second place with 12% of the vote.

3.  “I was in a meeting,” 9%.

4.  “I was driving,” 6%.

5.  “I couldn’t find my phone,” 5%.
