More “Good News” Stories from the Coronavirus Outbreak

Here are a few more good news stories from the outbreak . . .

1.  A woman in Australia says the pandemic helped her win the lottery.  She was supposed to be in Europe on vacation last week but had to cancel it.  And while she was home with nothing to do, she bought a lottery ticket . . . and won $700,000.

2.  A McDonald’s worker in the U.K. is going viral after she heard a customer call his mom, just to see if she wanted lunch.  So the worker paid for both of their meals.  She said it was her “kind act of the day,” and he promised to pay it forward.

3.  You’ve gotta keep your eye out for the little things to lift your spirits.  A 47-year-old woman named Joanne Grudger pulled a potato out of her garden and realized it kind of resembles her dog, Dave.  She said it really cheered her whole family up, and now the photo is going viral.

4.  An 89-year-old guy in Utah named Derlin Newey couldn’t pay his bills.  So he’s been working 30 hours a week delivering pizzas for Papa John’s.  And a couple he delivers to a lot didn’t like that he was working so much.  So they did something about it.

They have about 60,000 followers on TikTok.  So they asked people to donate 50 cents to a dollar . . . and they surprised Derlin with a $12,000 tip.