Coronavirus Insanity: Why the Toilet Paper Shortage Is Real, the End of “Spacegodzilla, Death Corona,” and More

Here are some NOT-so-serious stories we’ve seen about the coronavirus outbreak . . .

1.  The toilet paper shortage is real . . . but not just because of hoarding.  It’s because usually, the toilet paper supply is split between corporate and home bathrooms.  Now we ALL need it for home, and the supply chain isn’t set up to distribute it that way.

2.  The people behind “Magic:  The Gathering” have renamed one of their creatures from “Spacegodzilla, Death Corona” to “Spacegodzilla, Void Invader.”

3.  Police in Beverly Hills, California found a stolen vehicle with 192 rolls of toilet paper inside.

4.  A guy broke into a zoo in the U.K. to drink beer and wine during the lockdown.

5.  A university in Japan used robots as stand-ins for students at its graduation ceremony.  And a couple in Michigan who are getting married on Saturday are using cardboard cutouts as guests.

6.  A couple in New York who may have caught coronavirus on their first date has been quarantining together for almost a MONTH since.

7.  In a sad but ironic twist, San Francisco has banned reusable shopping bags out of fear they could bring germs into grocery stores.

8.  With March Madness canceled, there’s now a surplus of chicken wings in the country.

9.  American Airlines had a huge plane with only 11 people . . . but made them sit close to each other instead of spreading them out because they had all only paid for basic economy.

10.  The day after police in New Jersey busted a 99-year-old man and his relatives for violating the state’s ban on public gatherings by holding an engagement party, they busted a 100-year-old man and his relatives at a funeral.

11.  53% of Americans think medical marijuana dispensaries should count as essential businesses.