31 New Emojis Are Coming, Including a “Pink Heart” and “High Five”

This Sunday is World Emoji Day, and it looks like dozens of NEW emojis might be on the way soon . . .

The site Emojipedia says 31 new emojis could be approved in September and hit phones next year.  That’s actually NOT a lot.  121 were added in the last update, and 217 the time before that.  Here are a few highlights from the new list . . .

1.  A “Pink Heart” emoji.  There’s already a pink double-heart.  But people have been asking for a normal one too.  A “Blue Heart” and “Grey Heart” are also on the list.

2.  “Donkey.”  Other new animal emojis include a “Moose” . . . a “Goose” . . . a “Black Bird” . . . and a “Jellyfish”.

3.  A “Shaking Face” emoji.  It’s supposed to mean you’re shocked by something.

4.  A “Wireless” or Wi-Fi emoji.  We’re a little surprised that one doesn’t exist yet.

5.  A “High Five” emoji.  It’s actually two emojis . . . one of a palm facing right, and one facing left.  So together, it’s a high five.


(Emojipedia did mock-ups of what each new emoji might look like once they’re approved.)