A Third of People Have Had a Guest So Inconsiderate, They Told Them They Were a “Bad Guest”

Have you ever welcomed a guest and said, “Make yourself at home” . . . and they took it TOO literally, and walked around in their underwear?  Well, it’s happening to everybody . . . in a way.

In a new survey, 72% of people say they’ve told guests to “make a space their own” . . . and of those people, 91% have REGRETTED it at one point.

The “worst behaviors” people have seen from guests are:  Expecting to be fed more meals than you planned to serve . . . overstaying their welcome . . . making a mess . . . “hogging the bathroom” . . .

Keeping you up too late or waking you up too early . . . arriving uninvited . . . drinking too much alcohol . . . and breaking something.

And 35% of people say that they’ve been in a situation that got inconsiderate enough that they’ve actually TOLD someone they’re a “bad guest.”  (It’s unclear if they actually used that exact phrase, like shouting “BAD DOG!”) 
