What Occupation Is the “Most Attractive” . . . If Salary Didn’t Matter

People on social media are talking about the “most attractive” occupations . . . assuming the SALARY wasn’t a consideration.

The most-liked response was the “t-shirt cannon guy” at sporting events, which begs the question:  Is this “most attractive” for potential significant others . . . OR just most attractive for YOU to do?  People seemed to use both definitions.

Here are some other highlights from the list:

1.  Traveling food critic

2.  Forest ranger

3.  Freelance musician

4.  “Quality-tester for a hammock manufacturer”  (???)

5.  Pro bono veterinarian

6.  Working at a comic shop

7.  Working at an animal rescue / sanctuary . . . or just “holding baby animals”

8.  Baker

9.  Artist . . . one person even specified, “Lego artist”

10.  Writer

11.  Freelance software engineer.  (Software engineers can get MAJOR money, but the industry can be brutal . . . so this is for doing FUN work, and not being over-worked.)

12.  Paleontologist

13.  Teacher.  (It would be great if everyone could be in an attractive profession, and not have to worry about money . . . but it’s especially frustrating that most teachers are underpaid.)

14.  Librarian

15.  Pizza delivery  (???)
