We’ve Spent an Extra 448 Hours on the Couch Because of the Pandemic

Seven in 10 Americans say their couch has basically been their best friend during the pandemic.  Just based on how much GAS I’ve sent into those cushions, I’m not sure the feeling’s mutual . . .

The average American has spent an extra 448 HOURS on their couch since March.  Or two extra hours a day, every day, for the past eight months.  Here are four more quick stats from the survey . . .

1.  Our couch is our second-favorite piece of furniture overall.  The top five are our bed, sofa, lounge chair, coffee table, and home office furniture.

2.  The average sofa is seven years old.  Half of us would like a new one but don’t want to spend the money.

3.  61% of people who are working from home say the couch has become their main workstation.

4.  And 7 in 10 say their “perfect night in” right now involves their sofa in some way.

The top aspects of a “perfect” pandemic night in are:  Ordering food . . . binge-watching Netflix . . . and playing board games.