A new survey asked 2,000 Americans to name the most embarrassing social situations you can encounter.  And if the #1 answer in this poll seems fishy, it’s probably because Robitussin sponsored it.  But the rest of the top ten seem legit.

Here they are, in order . . .

1.  Coughing in a quiet place.  52% of people in the poll said it’s embarrassing.

2.  Saying something stupid in front of your boss, 43%.

3.  Forgetting someone’s name, 40%

4.  Passing gas in public, 37%.  (Only 37% think that’s embarrassing?)

5.  Falling asleep in public, also 37%.

6.  Having the hiccups in a work meeting, 36%.

7.  Tripping in public, 36%.

8.  Your significant other having a temper tantrum in public, 34%.

9.  Your child having a temper tantrum in public, also 34%.

10.  Public speaking, 32%.
