One-in-Three People Would Break Up with Someone for a Lifetime Supply of Ragu?

Even in an age of cheap generic and knockoff products, some people are MARRIED to the brands they grew up with . . . LITERALLY.

In a new survey on brands, people were asked what they’d give up in exchange for a LIFETIME SUPPLY of their favorite brand’s products or services.

40% said they’d give up social media for a month . . . 39% would agree to do household chores for a year . . . and 36% would “run a marathon.”  33% would shave off all their hair, or break up with a romantic partner.

So some people will give up Facebook for a month for a lifetime supply of Ragu or Hostess snacks or something . . . and some people will apparently LEAVE THEIR SPOUSE.  (Maybe they’re thinking about a brand like Tesla?)

But brand relationships can be fickle too.  54% of consumers say they’d stop using a brand after just one bad experience . . . although that’s more common with Millennials, who may not be as entrenched with a brand.