One in 20 People Would Give Up Their Best Friends to Never Pay Taxes Again

They say nothing’s sure but death and taxes.  But what if that WASN’T true?  The taxes part, I mean.

Someone asked people what they’d give up FOREVER if they never had to pay taxes again.  And 1 in 20 people would give up their BEST FRIENDS.  How many of these ten things would you be willing to sacrifice?

1.  Watching sports.  43% would give up sports forever.

2.  Video games, 40%.

3.  Alcohol, 37%.

4.  Exercise, 22%.  (I pretty much live that way now, so.)

5.  Your favorite food, 19%.  And 22% would give up all dessert foods.

6.  TV.  Just 12% said they’d give it up.

7.  Music, 8%.

8.  Cell phones, 6%.

9.  Driving AND riding in cars, 5%.

10.  Your best friends, also 5%.

(PR Newswire)