More “Good News” Stories from the Coronavirus Outbreak

Here are a few more good news stories from the outbreak . . .

1.  Have you been generous with your extra free time this year?  There’s a guy in South Dakota with terminal cancer.  And the last thing on his bucket list was to repaint his house in his wife’s favorite color.  But it would have wasted the time he has left with his family.  So a dozen neighbors showed up and repainted the whole house in a day.

2.  81% of parents say that being home so much has helped them bond more with their kids.  And our children have made us laugh an average of seven times a day during the pandemic.

3.  Here’s how much we appreciate random acts of kindness right now:  A mom in Ohio ordered a bunch of food at McDonald’s, and then realized she forgot her purse at home.

But when she tried to cancel the order, the kid working the drive-thru pulled out HIS debit card and paid for it.  So to thank him, her husband started a GoFundMe page to help buy him the car he’s been saving up for . . . and it’s now raised over $30,000.