Half of Us Avoid Stores That Don’t Have Drive-Thrus

Do we really love sitting in our cars THIS much?  A poll found that whenever possible, 47% of us avoid stores that don’t have a drive-thru.

Here are a few more drive-thru stats . . .

1.  The top reasons people prefer drive-thrus are you get to stay in your car, and it’s usually faster.  (Third reason:  You get to keep listening to us!)

2.  The top reasons for going in are avoiding a long line of cars, getting to see what you want in person, and getting to stretch your legs.

3.  The top things we go to drive-thrus for are fast food and coffee.  A lot of people use them at banks and pharmacies now too.

4.  People were asked when they’re most likely to hit a drive-thru.  The most popular answer was mid-morning between 8:00 A.M. and noon.