Here are a few more good news stories making the rounds . . .

1.  A couple in Texas ordered groceries last week, and the delivery driver crashed into their flower bed after sliding on some ice.  Then her car was stuck.  So they invited her in, and let her stay with them for five days until she could get it out.

2.  A grocery store near Austin lost power last week while people were trying to buy supplies.  So they just let everyone take groceries home for free.

3.  A Italian restaurant in Plano, Texas handed out over 500 free meals to people during last week’s cold snap.  For some, it was the first hot meal they’d had in days.

4.  A 30-year-old guy in Louisiana named Devin Hinkston was driving recently, when he saw a kid using a trash can as a basketball hoop.  So he drove to a store . . . came back later . . . and gave him a real basketball hoop.

5.  7,500 healthcare workers got to go to the Super Bowl.  And three doctors ended up saving someone’s life on their flight home from it.  They were flying to L.A. when a woman on board had a medical emergency and couldn’t breathe.  So they got the pilot to make an emergency landing in Houston . . . got home late . . . and went straight to work a half-hour later.