Every Unrealistic Thing We See All the Time in Movies

Reddit users made a list of all the unrealistic things you see a little TOO often in movies.  How many times have YOU seen these things happen?

1.  NO ONE has to wait for anything . . . not a taxi . . . coffee . . . or even a phone call.

2.  Lack of paperwork in police movies.

3.  Being able to hear right after gunshots.

4.  ALWAYS finding a parking place.

5.  Women ALWAYS having perfect makeup and hair.

6.  Being able to up and leave for a trip without any planning.

7.  Someone who is bedridden for months is able to get up quickly and walk.

8.  Having time for full-on breakfasts before work or school.

9.  Never setting a time for things . . . yet the characters somehow still know when to meet up.

10.  The villain wasting time instead of killing the main character right away.