1 in 4 Americans Buy Healthy Foods . . . Just Because They’re “Trendy”
Do you ever come home from the grocery store with Impossible ground beef, kale, hummus, and kombucha . . . just because they’re COOL?
In a new poll, 26% of Americans admit to buying healthy foods at the grocery store “just because they’re trendy.” We’re assuming they still EAT THEM. But we’ve all bought something because we think we SHOULD eat healthier . . . only to have it go to waste before we figure out how to use it.
Overall, 65% of people would rate their grocery shopping habits as at least “somewhat healthy.” But healthiness is only our FOURTH highest priority, behind cost . . . quality . . . and household preferences.
The poll also asked what types of foods people would be MORE likely to SPLURGE on if they could . . . and “organic produce” is #1.
Things that are “high in” good stuff (like vitamins and nutrients) is next . . . followed by “sugar-free” versions, then there are things that have “reduced bad stuff (like fat and sugar), and items that are “free range.”